[an angel] endowed with surpassing power, who in time manifested himself in his true shape and nature
One vigorous; and he grew clear to vie
Endued with Wisdom: for he appeared (in stately form)
and great perfection, who once rose to ˹his˺ true form
and splendor who stood still
and endowed with wisdom; who in time manifested himself
The Lord of Strength; so he attained completion
Possessor of Forcefulness. Then, he stood poised
someone possessing such ability that he soared up
the one free from any defect who rose and became stable (in view).
Possessed of vigor, he stood uprigh
Possessor of great wisdom; He positioned Himself.
The one of vigor. He settled
Capable of most swift movement; then he became stationary and stable —
the one free from defects who became stable in the view
Owner of resolute splendor; (Literally: ability to transform; to convey revelation, i.e. Jibril "Angle Gabriel) so he leveled himself
by the great mighty one (Gabriel)
the one of vigour. So he stood poised
The Owner of Authority and Wisdom established him (the Prophet)
The one with strength, (the angel Gibra´eel) who manifested himself (in his true form)
Gifted with wisdom, because he came clearly (in a noble way from limit of understanding to High Throne of Allah.
One of soundness. And he rose to [his] true for
Free from any defect, he became stable.
and great strength, who stoo
One strong of make. Then he stood straight
Lord of power and wisdom. So he acquired poise and balance
possessing power and splendour. He stood there stationary —
One firm, with ability to penetrate and perfect in spirit, rose with all his splendo
possessed of sound judgement. He settled
Endowed with wisdom; for he appeared in clear vision
being strong (and competent), he stood straight,
Endued with wisdom, for he appeared
the most wise. When he appeared to him,
one endowed with immense wisdom. He came forth and stood poised
Free from any defect, he became stable.
[The Angel] capable of passing [quickly from one form to another]. And he ros
Possessor of strength. Then that splendid sight proceeded.
Possessor of all authority. From His highest height.
Of might, he (Gabriel) stood fir
The Lord of Strength. So he attained to perfection
(Owner) of strength/wisdom , so he/He straightened/leveled
: The possessor of absolute authority …
The Strong; then the Spectacle inclined towards him
The One Possessor of Powers which manifest themselves repeatedly. So HE settled Himself on the Throne
He Who is absolute beauty. Then He (the Effulgence of Beauty) decided to unveil (Himself)
(The Lord) Whose powers become manifest in manifold and frequent ways, with the result that he (- this Messenger of God) attained perfection and fullest vigour (both intellectually and physically)
Dhu Mirrah (free from any defect in body and mind), Fastawa (then he (Jibrael Gabriel) rose and became stable). (Tafsir At-Tabaree)
very strong; he stood poised
And He appeare
endowed with sound understanding, and appeared
Endued with wisdom. With even balance stood he
--(translation missing in source)-
Master of strength and he [Gabriel] rose up in appearance most proportionate.
Beauty, sturdiness and wisdom. He grew clear to view
Then he rose in full splendour.
…endowed with wisdom.
the one of vigor. He settled
with no defects [in body and mind] and stood,
Possessor of perfection. So, He settled (To his true form).
That (force) became apparent to him and thus he became open (to receiving revelation)!
(he) possesses vigor so he sought equilibrium
Who is endowed with power, wisdom and capacities of action, and in a majestic imposingly dignified appearance did he come forth into view
Possessor of strength, and he made for,
Endued with Wisdom: for he appeared (in stately form)
Possessor of soundness. And he rose
Thoo mirratin faistawa
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